
Clean with mild soap detergent and water. A brass bristled brush or a nylon cleaning pad can be used
to remove residue from the stainless steel surfaces. Do not use steel wire bristles to clean the cooking
grills. Steel can cause the finish to chip or crack. DO NOT use a commercial oven cleaner.
Periodically, it may be necessary to inspect and clean the heat distribution plate to prevent excess
grease build-up. When the grill is cold, remove the cooking grill. Inspect the heat distribution plates
and replace if broken or damaged. Do not allow heat distribution plates to become damaged to the
extent that they may fall through onto the burners. Replace the heat distribution plates and cooking
grills and light the burners. Operate the grill on "HIGH" for 10 minutes to remove the excess grease.
NNeevveerr mmoovvee aa ggrriillll wwhheenn iitt iiss hhoott oorr wwhheenn oobbjjeeccttss aarree oonn tthhee ccooookkiinngg ssuurrffaacceess..
MMaakkee ssuurree tthhaatt ccyylliin
nddeerr vvaallvvee iiss sshhuutt ooffff.. AAfftteerr mmoovviinngg tthhee ggrriillll cchheecckk tthhaatt aallll ggaass ccoonnnneeccttiioonnss
aarree ffrreeee ooff lleeaakkss.. RReeffe
err ttoo iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss ffoorr LLeeaakk TTeessttiinngg..
DDOO NNOOTT ssttoorree aa ssppaarree LLPP ggaass ccyylliinnddeerr ((ffiilllleedd oorr eemmppttyy)) uunnddeerr oor
r nneeaarr tthhee ggrriillll..
NNeevveerr ssttoorree ffllaammmmaabbllee lliiqquuiiddss oorr sspprraayy ccaanniisstteerrss uunnddeerr oorr nneeaarr tthhee ggrriillll..
eexxttiinngguuiisshh ggrreeaassee ffiirreess uussiinngg wwaatteerr..
IIff tthhee oouuttddoooorr ccooookkiinngg ggaass aapppplliiaannccee iiss nnoott iinn uussee,, tthhee ggaass mmu
usstt bbee ttuurrnneedd ooffff aatt tthhee ssuuppppllyy
SSttoorraaggee ooff aann oouuttddoooorr ccooookkiinngg ggaass aapppplliiaannccee iinnddoooorrss iiss ppeer
rmmiissssiibbllee oonnllyy iiff tthhee ccyylliinnddeerr iiss
ddiissccoonnnneecctteedd aanndd rreemmoovveedd ffrroomm tthhee oouuttddoooorr ccooookkiinngg ggaass aapppplliiaannccee..
Cyylliinnddeerrss mmuusstt bbee ssttoorreedd oouuttddoooorrss oouutt ooff rreeaacchh ooff cchhiillddrreenn aanndd mmuusstt nnoott bbee ssttoorreedd iinn aa
bbuuiillddiinngg,, ggaarra
aggee oorr aannyy ootthheerr eenncclloosseedd aarreeaa..
WWhheenn rreemmoovviinngg tthhee ggrriillll ffrroomm ssttoorraaggee,, ssppiiddeerr wweebbss oorr ootthheerr ddeebbrriiss mma
ayy bbee bblloocckkiinngg tthhee bbuurrnneerr..
SSeeee ""BBuurrnneerr AAsssseemmbbllyy//MMaaiinntteennaannccee"" uunnddeerr PPrrooppeerr CCaarree aanndd MMaaiinntteennaannccee..
Ensure that the cylinder valve is fully closed.
Clean all surfaces.
Lightly coat the burners with cooking oil to prevent excess rusting.
If storing the grill indoors, disconnect the LP tank and leave the LP tank OUTDOORS.
Place a protective cap cover on the LP tank and store the tank outdoors in a well ventilated area out
of direct sunlight.
Clean burner prior to use after storing, at the beginning of grilling season or after a period of one
month not being used. Spiders and insects like to build nests in burner tubes (especially during colder
months). These nests can cause fires in burner tubes or under grill.
If storing the grill outdoors, cover the grill with a grill cover for protection from the weather. A grill cover
may be ordered directly from Brinkmann by calling 800-468-5252 or 800-527-0717.