Back Exercises
Pulldowns — Shoulder Adduction (with elbow flexion)
Narrow Pulldowns with Hand Grips — Shoulder Extension (with elbow flexion)
• Attach a Hand Grip to each
cable on the Lat Tower Pulleys.
• Straddle the bench facing the
Power Rods®, grasp a Hand
Grip in each hand, palms facing
each other and sit down on the
• Position your thighs directly
under the Lat Tower pulleys. Sit
• Keep hands at shoulder width,
arms straight. Initiate movement
by pulling your shoulder blades
down and together while
simultaneously bending your
elbows, drawing them down and
inward towards your sides.
• At the end of the motion, arms
should be near your sides.,
shoulder blades depressed,
forearms facing upward.
• Slowly return to Start position.
• Grasp the Bent Lat Bar using
the wide grip determined by
following the directions in the
Success Tips, then sit on the
bench, facing the Power Rods®.
• Position your thighs directly
under the Lat Tower pulleys. Sit
• Keep your arms extended and
• Initiate movement by pulling
shoulder blades together while
simultaneously drawing elbows
down and inward.
• Bent Lat Bar may not touch your
chest. At the end of the motion,
arms should be near your sides,
shoulder blades fully depressed.
• Keep forearms facing upward.
• Slowly return to Start position.
Muscles worked:
Latissimus Dorsi; Teres Major;
Rear Deltoids; Biceps
Bench Position:
Flat Bench Forward
Bent Lat Bar
Lat Tower
Success Tips
• Keep knees bent and feet flat on floor.
• To determine the appropriate grip width
for you, hold your arms straight out to
your sides at shoulder height. Bend your
elbows approximately 90°. Hands should
be no wider apart than your elbows
(beginners may narrow their grip to
increase comfort).
• Keep your spine aligned, abs tight and a
slight arch in your lower back.
Muscles worked:
Latissimus Dorsi; Teres Major;
Rear Deltoids; Biceps
Bench Position:
Flat Bench Forward
Hand Grips
Lat Tower
Success Tips
• Keep your chest lifted, abs tight, and a
very slight arch in your lower back.
• Keep knees bent and feet flat on floor.
• Keep the lats tightened throughout the
entire motion.