Chest Exercises
Resisted Punch — Shoulder Flexion, Elbow Extension, Scapular Protraction
Lying Cable Crossover — Shoulder Extension/Adduction (elbow stabilized)
• Lie flat on your back, head
toward the Power Rods®.
Position yourself far enough
down the Bench to grasp the
Hand Grips over your head with
arms straight.
• Grasp the Hand Grips, palms
facing up.
• Tighten your abdominals to
stabilize your spine. Maintain a
slight, comfortable arch in your
lower back.
• Keeping your arms straight,
move your hands in an arc
upward and across your torso
toward the opposite thigh.
• Control the return to the Start
position by slowly moving your
arms back overhead, releasing
the shoulder blades and keeping
arms straight.
• Sit on the bench facing away
from the Power Rods®.
• Reach behind your body and
grasp one Hand Grip with an
overhand grip, as shown above.
• Bend your elbows until your
hands are level with your waist.
• Using moderate speed, rotate
your trunk and press your arm
(s) forward to full extension,
allowing shoulder blade to move
forward at the end of the punch.
• Slowly return to the Start
position. Do not relax the
tension in your arm.
• You may vary this exercise by
using bilateral movement with
both arms or punching upward
or downward.
Muscles worked:
Anterior Deltoid; Triceps
Bench Position:
Flat Bench Back
Hand Grips
Chest Bar
Success Tips
• Maintain an upright, erect posture as
your trunk rotates with the punch.
• Keep knees bent and feet on floor.
• Maintain good spinal alignment.
Muscles worked:
Pectoralis Major
Bench Position:
Flat Bench Back
Hand Grips
Chest Bar
Success Tips
• Keep chest lifted throughout exercise.
• Keep knees bent, feet on floor, head
back against bench.