To ensure that your vehicle provides
maximum economy throughout a long
service life, we request that you ob-
serve the following:
Engine and differential
Up to 1,200 miles (2,000 km):
Drive with varying engine and road
speeds, but do not exceed 4,500 RPM
or 100 mph (150 km/h).
Comply with local and state maximum
speed limits.
Refrain from using full throttle and avoid
pressing the accelerator beyond the
kickdown point.
After you have driven 1,200 miles
(2,000 km), you can gradually increase
the engine and road speeds.
You should also comply with these
break-in procedures if the engine or dif-
ferential is replaced later in the course
of the vehicle's service life.
Due to technical factors associated with
their manufacture, tires do not achieve
their full traction potential until an initial
break-in period has elapsed. You should
therefore drive with extra caution during
the initial 200 miles (300 km).
Comply with local and state maximum
speed limits.
When the vehicle is operated on
wet or slushy roads, a wedge of
water may form between the tire and
the road surface. This phenomenon is
referred to as aquaplaning or hydro-
planing, and can lead to partial or com-
plete loss of traction, vehicle control
and braking effectiveness. Reduce
your speed on wet roads.<
Brake system
Approximately 300 miles (500 km) must
elapse before the brake pads and ro-
tors achieve the optimal surface and
wear pattern.
To break in the separate parking brake
drums, apply the parking brake lightly
when coasting to a standstill (at a traffic
signal, for instance), provided that traf-
fic conditions allow you to do so.
To avoid corrosion, repeat this proce-
dure from time to time.
The brake lamps do not light up
when the parking brake is applied.
Vacuum for the brake system booster
on your BMW is available only when the
engine is running. When you move the
car with the engine off – for instance, by
towing – substantially higher levels of
pedal force will be required to brake the
Break-in procedure
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