Index Data Technology Repairs Car care Controls Overview
1 Odometer
You can activate the displays shown in
the illustration with the ignition key in
position 0 by pressing the button in the
instrument cluster (arrow).
2 Trip odometer
To reset the trip odometer to zero,
press the button (arrow) with the igni-
tion key in position 1 and up.
Never allow the engine to operate with
the needle in the red overspeed sector
of the gauge.
To protect the engine, the Engine Man-
agement system automatically inter-
rupts the fuel supply in this range; you
will notice a loss of power.
When you switch on the ignition, the
indicator lamp comes on briefly to con-
firm that the system is operational.
Once the indicator lamp stays on con-
tinuously, there are still approx. 2.1 gal-
lons (8 liters) of fuel in the fuel tank.
Tank capacity: Page 185.
If the tilt of the vehicle varies (extended
driving in mountainous areas, for
example), the needle may fluctuate
Please refuel early, since driving
to the last drop of fuel can result in
damage to the engine and/or catalytic
Odometer Tachometer Fuel gauge
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