Visually inspect rims for de-
Have damaged rims checked
and, if necessary, replaced
by a specialized workshop,
preferably an authorized BMW
Motorrad retailer.
Tire recommendation
For every size of tire, BMW
Motorrad has tested and
approved certain makes as
roadworthy. BMW Motorrad
cannot evaluate the suitability of
other tires, and can therefore
take no responsibility for their
driving safety.
BMW Motorrad recommends
only using the tires tested and
approved by BMW Motorrad.
Extensive information is available
at your authorized BMW Motor-
rad retailer or on the Internet at
Affect of wheel sizes on
chassis control systems
The wheel sizes play a major role
in the chassis control systems
ABS and ASC. Especially the di-
ameter and width of the wheels
are stored in the control unit as
the basis for all necessary calcu-
lations. A change in these sizes
due to conversion to others than
the wheels installed as standard
equipment can seriously affect
the control comfort of these sys-
The sensor wheels required for
wheel speed detection must also
match the control systems in-
stalled and may not be replaced.
If you want to equip your mo-
torcycle with different wheels,
please speak to a specialized
workshop, and preferably a BMW
Motorrad retailer. In some cas-
es the data stored in the control
units can be adapted to the new
wheel sizes.
TPC/RDC sticker
with Tire Pressure Control
The TPC sensors can be
damaged by improper tire
Inform the BMW Motorrad retail-
er or the specialized workshop
that the wheel is equipped with a
TPC sensor.
On motorcycles equipped with
TPC/RDC, a corresponding stick-
er is located on the wheel rim
at the position of the TPC/RDC
sensor. During a tire change it