General instructions
The 'Maintenance' chapter de-
scribes work involving the check-
ing and replacement of wear
parts that can be performed with
a minimum of effort.
If special tightening torques are
to be taken into account for
assembly, these are listed. An
overview of all required tightening
torques is contained in the
chapter "Technical Data".
Information on additional mainte-
nance and repair work is provid-
ed in the Repair Manual for your
motorcycle on DVD, which you
can obtain from your authorized
BMW Motorrad retailer.
Special tools and thorough spe-
cialized knowledge are required
to carry out some of the work
described here. If you are in
doubt, consult a certified work-
shop, preferably your authorized
BMW Motorrad retailer.
1 Reversible screwdriver with
Phillips and straight blade
2 TORX wrench, T25
3 Small screwdriver with
Phillips blade
Onboard-toolkit service
with service toolkit
1 Pull-out tool holder
for mounting all tools via
adapters and for removing
spark plug
2 1/4" bits
Bits of various sizes
3 3/8" Allen key, 22 mm
for removing quick-release
axle on front wheel
4 Flashlight
5 Socket wrench
Open-ended wrenches of
various sizes