Section 5
5.52 Footing Design Specifications
This set of commands may be used to specify footing design
requirements. Sections 5.52.1 through 5.52.4 describe the process
of design initiation, parameter specification, design command and
design termination.
This facility may be used to design isolated footings for user
specified support joints. Once the support is specified, the program
automatically identifies the support reaction(s) associated with the
joint. All active load cases are checked and design is performed for
the support reaction(s) that requires the maximum footing size.
Parameters are available to control the design. Dowel bars and
development lengths are also calculated and included in the design
Design Considerations
The STAAD isolated footing design is based on the following
1) The design reaction load may include concentrated load and
biaxial moments.
2) The vertical reaction load is increased by 10% to account for
the selfweight of the footing.
3) Footing slab size is rectangular. The user through a parameter
may control the ratio between the length and the width of the
4) Optional pedestal design is available.
5) Footings cannot be designed at supports where the reaction
causes uplift on the footings.
6) This facility is currently available for the American code only.