STAAD Commands and Input Instructions
Section 5
parallel to the global direction specified. Note that this is not
applicable to JOINTs or ELEMENTs.
ALL, BEAM, PLATE, SOLID. Do not use these unless the
documentation for a command specifically mentions them as
available for that command. ALL means all members and
elements, BEAM means all members, etc.
g) Continuing a command to the next line: Only lists may be
continued to the next line by ending the line with a blank and
hyphen (see above) with few exceptions: Multilinear spring
supports, Supports, Master/Slave. Others have special types of
continuations. Please follow the command descriptions.
2 4 7 TO 13 BY 2 19 TO 22 -
28 31 TO 33 FX 10.0
This list of items is the same as:
2 4 7 9 11 13 19 20 21 22 28 31 32 33 FX 10.0
Possible Error:
3 5 TO 9 11 15 -
FX 10.0
In this case, the continuation mark for list items is used when
list items are not continued. This will result in an error
message or possibly unpredictable results.
5.1.3 Listing of Joints/Members/Elements by
Specification of Global Ranges
This command allows the user to specify lists of
joints/members/elements by providing global ranges. The general
format of the specification is as follows.