98 MatrixPRO • 8x8 DVI Router • User’s Guide
MatrixPRO Remote Commands
• Description: Mutes the output channel, syncs remain
• Parameters: RGBMUTE [output] [state]
Set RGB Mute to state for specified output.
• Description: Recall an existing preset from a preset location and update current
front panel configuration/routing. If no preset information has been saved to the
preset location, no changes are made.
• Parameters:
out Preset number to recall from; [1 - 8]
S RPRST 1 (Recalls configuration from preset location 1.)
• Description: Routes inputs to outputs (pend). If the output is in a group, all the
outputs in the group will be routed to the input specified. If the output is in a I/O
group but the input is not in the group, the command will be ignored.
• Parameters:
[output] Output number; [1 - 8]
[input] Video Input number to route video; [1-8] / 101 if no input to add /
0 unroutes input
• Query: RTEMP? out; Returns the current video inputs routed to the specified
output in the format: =in
S Examples:
RTEMP 1 3 (Route to output 1, video input 3.)
RTEMP 4 101 (Route to output 4.)
• Description: Set serial settings
• Parameters:
[BaudRate] Set Baud Rate: 0=2400, 1=4800, 2=9600, 3=19200,
4=38400, 5=57600, 6=115200
• Description: Activate or cancel all pending video/audio routes.
• Parameters:
en Mode; [0|1], Cancel all pending|Activate all pending.
S TAKE 1 (Activates all pending video routes.)
Issuing parameter 0 is the equivalent of pressing CANCEL.
Issuing 1 is the equivalent of pressing the TAKE button.