MatrixPRO • 8x8 DVI Router • User’s Guide 95
MatrixPRO Remote Commands
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• Description: Clears all existing and pending video routes.
• Parameters: None
• Description: Enable/disable DHCP mode
• Parameters: DHCP [mode]
Sets DHCP mode where 0=OFF, 1=CLIENT, 2=SERVER
• Description: Lock/unlock the front panel from user input. Locking the front panel
results in the front panel not responding to user button presses.
• Parameters: en -[0|1], Disable|Enable
• Query: FPLOCK? Returns the current front panel lock status if no argument is
S FPLOCK 1 (Locks the front panel from the user.)
• Description: Clears grouping information for the specified group.
• Parameters:
grp Group number to clear; [1-8]
S GCLEAR 1 (Clears the grouping information in group number 1.)
• Description: Add an output and/or input to the selected group .
• Parameters:
[GroupNum] Group number to add output; [1-8]
[OutNum] Output number to add; [1-8] / 101 if no output to add
[InNum] Input number to add; [1-8] / 101 if no input to add
S Examples:
GADD 1 4 2 (Add output 4 and input 2 to group 1.)
GADD 1 101 5 (Add input 5 to group 1.)
The user cannot add output to more than one group index.