The following table provides description for each field whether local or remote destination is
Field name Definition
Wherethe buffer filesshouldbestored.Local,for example,Flashor Remote on a
For LocalDestination- SelectLinear for serialdriver bufferingor Circular for non-
Localdatabufferingstoresdataincircular or linear mode. Incircular mode, data is
writtenintothe specifiedlocaldata fileuntilthe upper limitonthefilesizeisreached;
then the data isoverwrittenstartingfrom the top ofthefileasadditionaldata comes
in. Circular bufferingrequirestheadministrator to set upprocessestoexaminethe
data during the timeframe before the data isoverwrittenbynew data.In linear mode,
the serialdriver bufferingisused.Oncethe 4Kbof Rxbuffer isreached, aflow control
stop (dependson configuredflow controlfor theserialport) isissuedto preventthe
serialportfrom receiving further datafrom theremotepeer.
File Size (Bytes)
For LocalDestinationCircular Mode - Setsthe valuefor thisfieldtobe greater than
Recordthe timestamp Ifenabled, thesysteminsertsatimestampin thebuffer.
For Remote Destination- Includesthe path where the data buffer fileshouldbe
Show Menu Definestheoptionsyou wish toshow inthemenuof the buffer file.
Table 5.6: Wizard - Data Buffering Field Names and Definitions
The following table shows the differences between remote and local data buffering.
Option Description
Dataisstoredinfilessequentially.The NFSserver mustbe configuredwith themountpoint
shared (exported).The administrator needsto allow enough spacefor theexpected
amountof dataandtakemeasuressuchasmovingunneededdatafilesoffline, toensure
data doesnot outgrow the availablespace.
Seta filesizegreater than zero. For circular mode, makesure the filesizedoesnotexceed
the spaceavailableon the console server’sRAMdisk.
Table 5.7: Differences Beween Remote and Local Data Buffering
Chapter 5: Configuring the Console Server in Wizard Mode 47