To configure a trigger for email notification for serial ports:
1. Go to Administration - Notifications in Expert mode and select Email from the pull-down
menu. If desired, enable Notification Alarm for Data Buffering for an alarm to sound when
the trigger action occurs; and click either Add or Edit. The Notifications Entry dialog box
2. Specify the event you wish to trigger a notification for in the Alarm Trigger field.
3. If you need to edit an existing notification, select it from the pull-down list and proceed.
4. Enter or change the recipient for the notification email in the To field.
5. Enter or change the sender email address in the From field.
6. Enter or change the subject in the Subject field.
7. Enter or edit the text message in the Body field.
8. Enter or change the SMTP server’s IP address in the SMTP Server field.
9. Enter or change the SMTP port number in the SMTP Port field.
10. Click OK.
11. Click apply changes.
Pager notifications entry
When you go to Administration - Notifications, select Pager from the pull-down menu and
click on Add or Edit button the Pager Notifications Add/Edit dialog box displays. The
following table describes the available fields in the pager notification entry dialog box.
Field Name Definition
AlarmTrigger Thetrigger expressionusedtogenerate an alarm.
Thefirsttimeyouspecifyanalarm trigger thepull-down menuisempty.Anewtrigger gets
listedinthe menu after itiscreated.
Pager Number Thepager number of thenotificationrecipient.
Text Thetextmessage for thepager.
SMSUser Name Theuser nameof the notificationrecipient.
SMSServer Thenameor theIPaddressofthe SMSserver.
SMSPort Theport used bytheSMS server.
Table 10.4: Pager Notification Add/Edit Dialog Box Fields
132 Cyclades
ACS5000 Installation/Administration/User Guide