Initial System Checks
Issue 2 November 1996
Connecting a Telephone
If you are using the With Telephone option of the 8400B Plus Data Module
(voice and data), install the telephone and any connected adjunct equipment as
1. Insert either end of the remaining D8W telephone cord into the line jack
on your two-wire telephone.
2. Insert the other end of the telephone cord into the jack labeled PHONE
on the rear panel of the 8400B Plus Data Module.
See ‘‘Installation Options’’ on page 2-12 for instructions to select
the With Telephone installation option.
If your voice terminal has data capabilities, those data features are
not supported while the voice terminal is connected to the 8400B
Plus Data Module.
Initial System Checks
The following sections describe procedures for initially checking out your
hardware and any required software. It is assumed at this point that your PC
communications package has been properly installed and is ready for use. (See
‘‘Selecting PC Communications Packages’’ on page 2-21 for guidelines when
selecting your PC communications package.)
PC communications software is required only if you are using a PC as
your terminal device. A dedicated data terminal does not need PC
communications software.