Issue 2 November 1996 B-1
Dial Modifiers
Dial modifiers are only recognized when they appear in a dial string. A dial
string is a string of characters following the D (dial command) unless otherwise
noted. This appendix contains an explanation of each dial modifier accepted by
the 8400B Plus Data Module. Labels used in the descriptions are defined as
Table B-1. Dial Modifiers
Label Description
Dial Modifier: The dial modifier is shown as it should be typed. The
dial modifier may be typed in uppercase or lowercase.
Spaces may be typed between commands and dial
modifiers on the same command line for readability, but
the spaces are ignored by the 8400B Plus Data Module.
Function: A brief, functional description of the dial modifier is
provided here.
S-Register: The S-registers consist of 28 1-byte memory locations
in the data module, designated as S0 through S27. The
S-registers hold values for defining the current
configuration of the data module. Some commands
modify a specific S-register, and some commands
perform an action based on the current value stored in
an S-register. Whether an S-register is modified or read
by the current command is explained here.