Troubleshooting Guidelines
140 4600 Series IP Telephone LAN Administrator Guide
Table 15: Viewing Parameter Values
Name System Value Format
Model 46ccDccc Up to 8 ASCII characters: Model.
Phone SN cccccccccccc
Telephone Serial Number, up to 18
ASCII characters (which display on
both lines).
PWB SN cccccccccccc
Printed Wiring Board (circuit board)
Serial Number, up to 18 ASCII
characters (which display on both
lines). Applies to all telephones with
a display except 4602, 4602SW,
4602SW+, and 4610SW.
nnnnnnnnn 9 ASCII numeric characters:
PWBCC. Applies to all telephones
with a display, except 4602, 4602SW,
and 4610SW.
PWB version ccccccccc 9 ASCII numeric characters. Applies
only to the 4602, 4602SW,
4602SW+, and 4610SW.
hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh Each octet of the MAC address
displays as a pair of hexadecimal
L2 tagging ccccccccc Up to 9 ASCII characters:
“on” if NVL2Q = 1
“off” if NVL2Q = 2
“auto: on” if NVL2Q = 0 and 802.1Q
tagging is on, and
“auto: off” if NVL2Q = 0 and 802.1Q
tagging is off.
VLAN ID cccc Up to 4 ASCII characters: L2QVLAN
if 802.1Q tagging is on and “none” if
802.1Q tagging is off.
IP address nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn Up to 15 ASCII characters: IPADD.
Subnet mask nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn Up to 15 ASCII characters:
Router nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn Up to 15 ASCII characters: the IP
address of the router in use.
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