Server Administration
120 4600 Series IP Telephone LAN Administrator Guide
FTPUSERSTAT 1 Optional FTP User Permission. If set to “0” the
user cannot specify alternatives to
the FTP servers and FTP directories
administration specify. If set to “1” the
user can specify alternatives to the
FTP servers and FTP directories that
administration specify. If set to “2” the
user cannot specify alternatives to
the FTP servers that DHCP and/or
TFTP/HTTP administration specify,
but can specify alternatives to FTP
SYSLANG English Optional, and
can be
Language of the 4610SW/4620/
4620SW, 4621SW, 4622SW, and
4625SW user interface, in ASCII,
independent of the MultiVantage™
message language. Options are
English, Deutsche, Espanol, Francais,
Italiano, Nederlands, Portugues and
Katakana (Japanese). In addition to
these languages, the 4610SW/
4620SW also support Chinese,
Japanese, and Russian.
Web Access Application Parameters:
SUBSCRIBELIST " " (Null) Optional Subscription list for potential pushed
content. List of zero or more fully
qualified URLs, separated by commas
without intervening spaces, with up to
255 total characters. See Appendix
E: The Push Feature.
TPSLIST " " (Null) Optional List of Trusted Push Servers. List of
zero or more fully qualified domain/
path strings, separated by commas
without intervening spaces, with up to
255 total characters. See Appendix
E: The Push Feature.
WMLHOME " " (Null) Mandatory Text string containing the URL of the
home page for the Web Access
Table 12: 4610SW, 4620/4620SW, 4621SW, 4622SW, and 4625SW IP Telephone
Customizable System Parameters (continued)
Parameter Name Default Value Status Description and Value Range
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