Required Administration
Issue 3 January 2008 49
Figure 1: Example of Page 2 of the IP Codec Set Form
4. Set Allow Direct-IP Multimedia to y.
5. Set Maximum Call Rate for Direct-IP Multimedia. The range is 128 Kbits through 768
Kbits. 384 Kbits is recommended.
This setting is the combined audio and video transmit rate or receive rate for non-priority
(normal) video calls. You can use this setting to limit the amount of bandwidth used for
normal video calls. For example, if you select 384 Kbits, a maximum of 384 Kbits will be
used to transmit and to receive audio/video.
6. Set Maximum Call Rate for Priority Direct-IP Multimedia. The range is 128 Kbits through
768 Kbits. 384 Kbits is recommended.
This setting is the combined audio and video transmit rate or receive rate for priority video
calls. You can use this setting to limit the amount of bandwidth used for priority video calls.
For example, if you select 384 Kbits, a maximum of 384 Kbits will be used to transmit and to
receive audio/video.
7. Repeat Steps 1 through 6 for each IP codec set that will be used for video.