Configure an Avaya Meeting Exchange 5.0.1 S6800 Bridge
Issue 3 January 2008 109
The following is an example of the mediaServerInterface.cfg settings:
#Audio recording server
# Video Params
# Set EnableVideoSupport to ’1’ to enable video support and ’0’ to disable
VideoSize=QCIF or CIF
3. At the command prompt, type cbutil add to add the call branding digits that you use to dial
into the bridge. You can configure:
● SCAN to prompt the user for conference codes.
● DIRECT to go directly into a pre-configured conference.
cbutil add 24049 0 301 1 n DIRECT -1 Adhoc in Avaya
DNIS Grp Msg PS CP Function Line Name Company Name
---------- -------- ------- ----- ------ -------------- --------------- --------------------
24047 0 247 1 N SCAN Schedule Avaya
24049 0 301 1 N DIRECT Adhoc Avaya
4. Using a text editor, open the file /usr/ipcb/config/telnumToURI.cfg to configure the dial outs
for the Meeting Exchange bridge. Your dial outs are configured on the bridge in
/usr/ipcb/config/telnumToURI.cfg. See the following example:
TelnumPattern TelnumConversion comment
* "<sip:$1@<proxyipaddress>:5061;transport=tls>" SES Proxy
40??? "<sip:$1<clan_address>:5061;transport=tls>" ACM
5. Using a text editor, open the file /usr/ipcb/config/processTable.cfg to configure Avaya
Meeting Exchange 5.0.1 for Radisys CMS600. The convMS process implements the
Radisys CMS600 media server interface. See the following figure for an example of the
processTable.cfg file.