Hardware Installation
The AT&T WGS includes the system module (chassis) with keyboard, a
single 3 1/2-inch floppy disk drive or a single 5 1/4-inch floppy disk drive,
at least 1 MB of memory, and at least a 40 MB hard disk.
For an AUDIX Voice Power 2.1.1 system to function, a minimum of 8 MB
of memory is required. All AUDIX Voice Power systems require a hard
disk with a minimum capacity of 68 MB. If you need to increase the
system memory, please see the instructions provided in lnstalling
Additional Memory in Chapter 2, Hardware Installation. If you must
replace the hard disk, please see the service manual user’s guide for the
appropriate WGS model.
If your system requires a second hard disk for expanded speech
storage, please refer to Appendix A for installation information.
Memory expansion kits that increase system memory to a total of 8 MB
may be installed on the motherboard or a special memory circuit board.
The following circuit boards may be installed in the system module:
one to three IVP4 4-port circuit beads
DCP circuit board (integrated AUDIX Voice Power with System 75
switch configuration only)
In order to use a DCP board, a DCP port on the switch is
necessary. A port on an existing board maybe used if one is
available. Otherwise, an additional DCP board must be
installed in the switch.
Video Display Controller (VDC600) board (except on
8386/SX WGS)