This AT&T AUDIX™ Voice Power/installation and Maintenance Guide
includes procedures for installing and maintaining new AUDIX Voice
Power systems and for upgrading from existing AUDIX Voice Power
Release 1.1 and Release 2.0 systems to Release 2.1.1. Technical
personnel at customer sites and AT&T Service Technicians should use
this document as a guide for system installation and as a reference for
system maintenance.
Preassembled Systems
The AUDIX Voice Power system includes an 80386-based
microprocessor. You must install add-in circuit boards and separate
software. AT&T may install and test the additional circuit boards and
software before it ships the system to the customer site. If your system
has been preassembled, you can skip the instructions for installing circuit
boards and memory at the beginning of Chapter 2 and proceed directly to
the instructions for Connecting Peripherals and Cables later in Chapter 2.
Similarly, if your system has been preconfigured, you can skip the
instructions for installing basic software given at the beginning of Chapter
3 and proceed directly to the instructions for Competing Installation and
Acceptance Testing later in Chapter 3. You should then continue with the
Hardware Verification section of Chapter 4.