Decoder for Atlas N Scale H15/16-44 Locomotives 6
Atlas Model Railroad Co., Inc.
decoder properties, observe carefully the decoder's behavior while on
the isolated programming track. Each time you try to program the
decoder you can see the acknowledgement that is sent by the decoder
in the form of a brief and minor jerk of the locomotive. A successful
acknowledgement means that you have installed the decoder correctly.
Remove the locomotive from the programming track and, if necessary,
correct any installation errors. Once you have successfully programmed
the decoder, reinstall the body shell and retest the locomotive on the
programming track. If this test is successful, the locomotive is ready to
Programming the H15/16-44 Decoder
The H15/16-44 decoder supports all forms of both service mode
(programming on an isolated programming track) and operations mode
programming (programming on the main line). Using any of these
programming methods, many features (such as the locomotive's
address, acceleration, and configuration) can be customized to the
individual locomotive in which the decoder is installed. These
customized properties will be saved in non-volatile memory locations on
the decoder so that they will retain their values even after power has
been removed. All parameter values are set electronically, which means
that the locomotive does not need to be opened again after the decoder
has been installed to read or modify the values of these so-called
Configuration Variables (CVs). The H15/16-44 decoder has a total of
128 CVs. Not all of them are used at this time because many have been
reserved for future use.
Any NMRA-compliant DCC Command Station, such as the Atlas Master
Commander, can be used to program the H15/16-44 decoder. With
several entry-level systems, only CV #1 (the locomotive address) can be
set unless you use a separate DCC programmer. More advanced DCC
systems, including the Atlas Commander, support the ability to set many
more CVs. The H15/16-44 decoder supports all programming modes
and can be programmed by all NMRA-compliant DCC systems. The
locomotive’s 2-digit and 4-digit addresses in CV1, CV17, and CV18
CANNOT be programmed in operations mode. Instructions for
reading and writing CVs are given in the user manual of your DCC
Note: for newly programmed CV values to take effect after service
mode programming, the decoder must go through a power reset. If
your DCC command station does not support automatic power
reset, simply rock the locomotive off the track after programming.