Decoder for Atlas N Scale H15/16-44 Locomotives 2
Atlas Model Railroad Co., Inc.
N Scale H15/16-44 DCC Decoder
The N-scale H15/16-44 DCC decoder can be used with all popular
NMRA-compliant DCC systems. This decoder is in full conformance with
all NMRA Standards and Recommended Practices and has been
augmented to work well with all major DCC systems on the market.
The N scale H15/16-44 decoder is packed with all the features that you
expect in a high-end decoder:
• Special lighting effects for front and rear headlights including
directional, independent, dimming, Mars light, Gyro light, single
Strobe, and double Strobe.
• Directional bi-color (green and red) front and rear marker lights.
• Supports both short (2-digit) and long (4-digit) addressing.
• Advanced consist control (operating and controlling several
locomotives as if they were a single entity by sending speed and
direction commands to a common consist address that is stored in
the decoder of every locomotive in the consist).
• Operations mode programming (programming on the main line).
Full support for all the various motor speed-step modes, including
the 128 speed-step mode
Choice of either Precision Glide Control or Silent Drive for motor
Many characteristics of the H15/16-44 decoder can be programmed to
customize the decoder to its locomotive. Please read The Configuration
Variables and their Definitions section for details on the configuration
variables supported by the H15/16-44 decoder. The H15/16-44 decoder
supports all forms of programming described in NMRA Recommended
Practice 9.2.3, including the user friendly direct CV (Configuration
Variable) programming mode and operations mode programming. For
example, you can operate the decoder with the factory-default speed
curve, or you may specify your own customized speed curve. You can
also set which end of the locomotive is to be the forward end. You can
even decide whether or not you want to be able to operate the
locomotive on conventional DC layouts. If your DCC system supports
operations mode programming, you can change the values of all CVs
(except for the locomotive’s 2-digit, 4-digit, and consist addresses
in CV1, (CV17 and CV18), and CV19; respectively) while the
locomotive is on the main line.