
4-44 Chapter 4: Software support
Schedule Drive Verify
Allows you to set up the schedule for verifying the hard drives. Click Ok to
apply the settings; click Cancel to close the window; click Right Now to start
verication right away.
Add / Modify / Delete
Allows you to create a new
schedule, and modify/delete an
existing schedule by checking the
radio button.
Schedule Activity
Allows you to set verication
schedule daily, weekly or
New Schedule
Allows you to set specic date
and time for the schedule.
Physical Drive
Allows you to set schedule for the selected hard drive.
Displays the date and time for the set-up schedule.
Other feature buttons
Click to open the
Schedule Drive Verify
Click to open the
Event Log list
Click to open the Setup
Password window
Click to open the Firmware
Update window
Click to open the
Help menu
Click to return to the previous page
Click to hide the setup window