1 Ports, Buttons, and Connections 5
2 First Time Usage 6
2.1 Charging the Battery 6
2.2 Turning the Gmini™ XS100 ON and OFF 7
2.3 Changing the Interface language 7
2.4 Caring for the Gmini™ 7
2.5 Foreign Character Sets 7
3 Playing Music 8
3.1 Playing a Music File 8
3.2 Play Screen and Button Control 9
3.3 Playback Menu Items 11
3.4 ARCLibrary Specifi cs 11
3.5 ARCLibrary Updating 12
3.6 Setting a Bookmark 12
3.7 The Resume Function 12
3.8 Locking the Gmini™ Buttons 13
4 Putting Music onto your Gmini™ XS100 14
4.1 Synchronizing Music from Windows Media
Player (WMP) to the Gmini™ XS100 14
4.2 Comparison of Windows Media Player 10 to Windows Media Player 9 15
4.3 Transferring your CD collection to the Gmini™ XS100 15
4.3 Installing Windows Media
Player (WMP) 9 16
4.4 Installing Windows Media
Player (WMP) 10 16
5 Playlists 17
5.1 Creating a new Playlist 17
5.2 Loading a Playlist 18
5.3 Playing a Playlist 18
5.4 Playlist Menu Options 18
6 Settings 20
6.1 Changing the Sound Settings 20
6.2 Changing the PlayMode Settings 22
6.3 Changing the time & date settings 23
6.4 Changing the Display Settings 24
6.5 Changing the Power Settings 25
6.6 Changing the System Settings 26
7 Using the Browser 27
7.1 Inside the MUSIC Folder 27
7.2 Navigating the Directory Structure 28
7.3 File and Folder Operations in Browser Mode 29
7.3.1 Contextual Menu on a File 29
7.3.2 Contextual Menu on a Folder 29
7.3.3 Contextual Menu while in the Double Browser 30
7.4 Using the Virtual Keyboard 30
8 Connecting the Gmini™ XS100 to a Stereo system 32
9 Connecting/Disconnecting the Gmini™ to/from your Computer 33
9.1 USB Connection Type (‘Hard Drive’ or ‘Windows Device’) 33
9.2 Connecting the Gmini™ XS100 34
9.3 Disconnecting the Gmini™ from your Computer 34
10 Using iTunes™ with your Gmini™ XS100 37
11 Updating the Gmini™ XS100 Firmware 38
11.1 Download the Update_GminiXS100.AOS fi le 38
11.2 Copy to Gmini™ root and Update 38
11.3 ‘Hard Drive’ or ‘Windows Device’? 39
11.4 Activate the Update 39
12 Troubleshooting 40
12.1 USB Connection issues 40
12.2 File issues, corrupted data, formatting, and partitioning. 42
12.2.1 Windows
ME Running Scan-Disk (Error Checking) 42
12.2.2 Windows
XP & 2000 Running Check Disk Utility (ChkDsk) 43
13 Technical Specifi cations 44
14 Technical Support 45
15 Legal and Safety Notices 48