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R/C Manual
release. This transmits a dump to the other unit (the clone).
The original unit will begin sending it’s parametric and label data to the receiving unit.
When the transfer is complete, the clone will update itself to the new parameters and the
panel indicators will align accordingly. The updated unit is now a clone of the original
presets. Incidentals like the 1788A-R’s display brightness won’t be transferred.
The 1788A-R is a two-piece assembly with a Control Unit and a Power Unit. The power
unit can be separated by a short distance if the Control Unit is to be desk mounted. When
the 1788A-R is rack mounted, the Power Unit should be bolted directly onto the back of
the Control Unit.
3.5.1 I/O Located Here
The Power Unit contains not only the power supply, but also the Ethernet and MIDI
interface connectors and the bank assignment selector.
3.5.2 Bank Selector
Each 1788A-R is assigned to a bank of NET numbers by a switch located on the rear of the
Power Unit. The switch position is indicated by an adjacent LED numeric readout.
3.5.3 MIDI Jacks
MIDI IN, OUT and THRU are supported.
Figure 3-4. 1788A-R Power Unit
1. Bank Selector: Assigns the 1788A-R to one of 8 NET
Number Banks.
2. Interconnect: Connects to the 1788A-R Control Unit.
Uses standard straight-thru 25-pin D-Sub printer cable.
3. RS-232 Port: Used only for downloading firmware into
the unit. Not used for remote control.
4. Lan Connector: 10/100 Base-T Ethernet port connects
to LAN.
5. Power Input: 85-265V~/50-60Hz.
6. Power Switch
7. MIDI Interface: Used for indirect MIDI control.
5 6 7
2 3 41
Figure 3-3. Connecting Two 1788A-R’s for Cloning
Bank No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Net Nos. 1-16 17-32 33-48 48-64 65-80 81-96 97-112 113-128
Table 3-4. Bank Definitions