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R/C Manual
present Bank. It may also be necessary to do a wake-up upon any power-up of the 1788A-
During wake-up, the Comm indicators will show activity with units that respond to
handshaking. After handshake and during test, Status LED’s will temporarily appear
yellow for all units present and responding. All units that are properly communicating will
develop green Status LED’s. Selections with no corresponding units present will display
blank (dark) Status LED’s.
The wake-up cycle time is about 1 to 8 seconds depending on how many units are on line.
It can be initiated at any time without disrupting the network or causing the preamp units
to malfunction.
3.2.3 Status LED’s
This row of tri-color led’s (red, yellow, green) indicates the status of the R/C link to 1788A’s
under varying conditions as shown in the following table.
3.2.4 Comm LED’s
These single-color red LED’s show when commands are being sent to each of the sixteen
units. They do not show unit responses.
3.2.5 Clip/Limit LED’s
These single-color red LED’s flash whenever any one or more of the 1788A’s clip or limiter
lights flash. The light is held for a long enough time to hopefully gather the attention of
the operator. The holdover time can be adjusted by a hidden (secondary) function of the
Changing the Holdover Time
To change the holdover time, press Both
Tone Buttons and the Ch 6 button then
release. This will attach the Adjust dial to
the holdover setup. The preset display
window will now show CLXX, where
XX will be from 01 to 05. These codes
represent various Clip/Limit holdover
options according to the following table.
You can change this number by rotating
the Adjust dial. To escape from this control, press CH 6 again.
Table 3-1. Status LED’s
Color Action
Wake-up Preset Load
Green OK Loaded, OK
Yellow Transacting Mismatch*
Red Unit Found But
Improper Response
Unit Missing
Dark No Unit Found No Unit Present
No Unit Expected
*Explained under 3.2.8
Table 3-2. Clip/Limit LED Holdover Codes
Code Function
CL01 Hold 1 Second*
CL02 Hold 2 Seconds*
CL03 Hold 4 Seconds*
CL04 Hold 8 Seconds*
CL05 Hold until cleared by pressing
any Unit Select button.
*If occurs on unselected unit, light holds until selected.