D.3.4 Screw in the black nylon 90º hosebarb fitting and align the barb end
such that it is pointing down.
D.3.3 QUICKLY press the adaptor all the way into the hole. The glue
acts as a lubricant, so it will easily slide in. NOTE: There can be no de-
lay in sliding the adaptor into the hole after applying the glue. The
glue dries in seconds and any delay will prevent correct placement.
D.3.5 Take one end of the eight foot length of 3/4" (1.9 cm) I.D. clear
braided PVC tubing and slip one of the stainless steel hose clamps over
the end. Next, push the tubing as far as it will go onto the 90 degree hose
barb connector on the back of the cabinet. Then secure the PVC hose by
tightening the stainless hose clamp with a flat blade screw driver.
D.3.6 Move the sterilizer into its permanent location and then stretch the
clear braided PVC tubing up to the 90 degree wall mount fitting. Allow for
an extra inch or two and cut to length. Slip a stainless steel hose clamp over
the tubing and then push the tubing as far as it will go onto the 90 degree
hose barb connector. Secure the PVC tubing with the second stainless steel
hose clamp.
D.3.7 Refer to Section C.15 and the following steps on page 53 of the man-
ual for initial operation and leak testing the connections.