If examination of the sterility indicators included with the load indicate adequate
time/concentration exposure to ethylene oxide, the items in the sterilizer may be con-
sidered sterile. The vent pump failure message will be displayed after the entire cy-
cle is complete, and the door has been opened to remove the load from the sterilizer.
Sterilization cycle was completed normally. After the machine is
unloaded, the cause of the failure must be identified and corrected prior to starting a
new sterilization cycle.
6.11. PURGE PUMP FAILURE (During the purge cycle): The sterilization process
takes place in the first 12/24 hours of the sterilization cycle. If the purge pump fails
during the purge cycle, hours 12 to 14 (or hours 24 to 26 for extended cycles), the
sterilization process has not been compromised. However, if the purge pump fails,
there will be abnormally high concentrations of Ethylene Oxide inside the steriliza-
tion liner bag at the end of the normal 14 hour cycle. In response to this failure, the
sterilizer will: (1) immediately start the vent pump, which will now run continuously
until the end of the cycle; (2) add 24 hours to the total cycle time; and (3) display a
PURGE PUMP FAILURE message on the screen.
During this additional 24 hour aeration time, most of the remaining Ethylene Oxide
will pass through the wall of the sterilization liner bag. The sterilizer will count
down 24 hours and then instruct the operator to release the Velcro strap from the
neck of the sterilization liner bag and immediately close the door. The sterilizer will
then count down an additional 2 hours of aeration time to remove any residual Ethyl-
ene Oxide from the opened sterilization liner bag within the cabinet. If examination
of the sterility indicators included with the load indicate adequate time/concentration
exposure to ethylene oxide, the items in the sterilizer may be considered sterile.
Sterilization cycle was completed normally, however, the sterilization
liner bag was not fully purged. The sterilizer will add 24 additional hours to the cy-
cle to allow residual Ethylene Oxide to pass through the sterilization liner bag. After
the machine is unloaded, the cause of the failure must be identified and corrected
prior to starting a new sterilization cycle.
ALARMS: If a critical component of the sterilizer fails during any part of the cycle, the
controller will notify the operator by means of a visual display and an audible alarm:
6.12 Ventilation Pump Alarm: If the cabinet ventilation pump fails to maintain an ade-
quate vacuum for 20 consecutive seconds while the ventilation pump is running, an
alarm will sound continuously and the display will read: VENT PUMP FAILURE.
The audible alarm may be silenced by pressing the EXIT button.