Check the last three digits against the numbers
above to determine if the MENU MODE option
is available.
Command Format: [?CnUi]
Cn = Card ID (n = # from 1 to max slots)
Ui = Unit ID (i = from 0 to 9)
The MT105-120 in slot #4 has Input 1
connected to all outputs and all outputs turned
ON. Send the command [?C4] to receive the
feedback status.
Each status field begins with a '+' and ends with
the card slot number (ex: C04). The feedback
will be similar to the following:
MT105-120 = Card Type
VR690-0170-003 = Firmware version
ON11111111 = Output ON/OFF status
MA01010101010101 = Matrix I/O connections
SI10000000 = Input Signal Detect
SO11111111 = Output Signal Detect
The ON/OFF line is read from left to right,
outputs one through eight. A "1" indicates the
output is ON, a "0" indicates the output is OFF.
The I/O connections are also read left to right
representing outputs one through eight and the
input to which each is connected. The first two
digits are the input to which Out 1 is connected.
The Signal Detects read left to right in
increasing order as well. The Input Signal
Detect shows Input 1 has an active signal at
the input, but inputs 2 thru 7 do not. The Output
Signal Detect shows all 1's indicating there is
an output signal present on all the output
connectors since Input 1 is connected to all
outputs and the outputs are enabled.
5. [STA]
This command enables and disables automatic
feedback from the front panel. The command
affects any card with auto-feedback capability,
not just the MT105-120/121. The default at
power on or reset is STA0, OFF.
Command Format [STA1] = ON
Command Format [STA0] = OFF
Feedback Prefix Definitions:
+VR = Firmware Version
+MA = Matrix Connections
+ON = Output ON/OFF Status
+SI = Input Signal Detect
+SO = Output Signal Detect
Example 1:
Command = [I1O1C4]
Feedback = [+MA0103010101010101C04]
+MA = Matrix
01030101010101 = Output Connections
C04 = Card slot number
Reading from left to right, the first two digits
represent the input number connected to
Output 1. In this case, Input 1 to Output 1. The
next two digits are for Output 2. In this case,
Output 2 is connected to Input 3. The remaining
Outputs are all connected to Input 1.
Example 2:
Command = [ON1C4]
Feedback = [+ON1000000C04]
+ON = Output Status
1000000 = Outputs ON and OFF
C04 = Card slot number
Reading from left to right, the first digit
represents the status of Output 1. A "1"
indicates ON and a "0" indicates OFF. In this
case, Output 1 is ON and the remaining
Outputs, 2-8, are OFF.