
1. [VER]
This command displays the software version
and card type for the MT105-120/121 card.
Command Format: [VERCnUi]
Cn = Card ID (n = slot # from 1 to max slots)
Ui = Unit ID (i = # from 0 to 9)
An MT105-120 card is in slot #4. Send the
command [VERC4], and the Multi-Tasker™
Enclosure will return the following feedback:
MT105-120 690-0170-003
MT105-120 = the card model
690-0170-003 = the software version
2. [C]
This command displays the status of the card
and connections of the Matrix Switcher.
Command Format: [CnUi]
Cn = Card ID (n = slot # from 1 to max slots)
Ui = Unit ID (i = # from 0 to 9)
An MT105-120 card is in slot #4. Outputs
1, 2 and 3 are ON. Input 1 is connected to
Output 1. Input 2 is connected to all the
remaining outputs.
Sending the command [C4] will yield the
following feedback:
In1-Out1 ON
In2-Out2 ON
In2-Out3 ON
In2-Out4 OFF
In2-Out5 OFF
In2-Out6 OFF
In2-Out7 OFF
In2-Out8 OFF
If there is no card in slot #4, sending the [C4]
command will not return any feedback.
3. [CnS]
This command saves the input to output
settings, as well as, the ON/OFF status of each
output. This configuration will be restored after
the system is reset or powered off then on.
Cn = Card ID (n = slot # from 1 to max slots)
Ui = Unit ID (i = # from 0 to 9)
There is an MT105-120 in slot #4. Input 1 is
connected to all outputs, but only outputs 1
through 3 are ON. The feedback after sending
the command [C4S] would be:
In1-Out1 ON
In1-Out2 ON
In1-Out3 ON
In1-Out4 OFF
In1-Out5 OFF
In1-Out6 OFF
In1-Out7 OFF
In1-Out8 OFF
4. [?CnUi]
This command will return general information
about the card and its status. It is a function of
both the card and the front panel and is only
available with Multi-Tasker™ Front Panel
systems that have the following firmware:
690-0122-015 = Version 015 or later.
690-0123-004 = Version 004 or later.
690-0124-018 = Version 018 or later.
NOTE: In MTSetup™, send the command
[VER] from the Terminal Window. The system
will respond with feedback similar to the
[690-0122-015 690-0123-004 690-0124-018]