© 2005 Alamo Group Inc.
Section 7 - 8
Switch Blade (JD-5105-5205-5225-5325-5425-5525, Asy. Man) 05/05
These are 7/16" grade 5 carriage bolts and will torque
45 to 50 ft. lbs. The outer shoe sole is a replaceable
wear item and be replaced as needed without disas-
sembly of the cutterbar (See Figure 15 & 16).
Inner Shoe Replacement:
The inner shoe bolts to the Break-a-way
assembly using two bolts in the rear and the rod
deflector in the front. There is also a motor cover
weldment that bolts over the motor and drive assem-
bly that is bolted on with three bolts (See Figure 17 &
Rock Guard, Clip & Wear Plate
The rock guards, clip and wearplates can be
replaced without removing that cutterbar or knife bar
assembly. They are bolt on items that can be bolted
one at a time for repair or they can all be replaced all
at the same time. Anytime the guards, clips or
wearplates are replaced they will have to be checked
to make certain they are fitting correctly. See the
guard, clip and wearplate adjustment section on
previous pages. The bolts mounting rock guards are
7/16" grade 5 plow bolts and will torque 45 to 50 ft. lbs
(See Figure 16)
Figure 16
Cutter Bar
Outer Shoe Asy
Outer Shoe Sole
Figure 15
Figure 18
Outer Shoe Assembly Replacement:
The outer shoe assembly bolts to the last two holes in the cutterbar. There are two different length
bolts used here because the last bolt will also mount the outer shoe sole to the outer shoe assembly.
Figure 17