© 2005 Alamo Group Inc.
Section 2 - 6
Switch Blade (JD-5105-5205-5225-5325-5425-5525, Asy. Man) 05/05
Lay Out Components in Display. It is helpful to lay out the component in as neat a display
as possible. Lay out the Bolts according to size and length. Lay out the Nuts and washer by size. This
will allow you to see how many of each part as you use them and help to identify any missing parts. (See
figure 6) See Mount Kit Specification and Component Identification Section to help ID Components.
All the component that are received should be check and sorted as to what they are.
Shown below is a general example of the components laid out, this is not a lay out of
the components in this mount kit.
DO NOT WELD On This Unit During or After Installation:
DO NOT WELD any components or items on this unit after the installation has
begun. The use of electronic modules and components that could be damaged by
welding. Before doing any welding check the Tractors Opertion, Repair, Service or
any other manual from the tractor manufacturer to find any special electronic or spe-
cial proedures about the tractor electronics. Taking a few minutes to check could save
you from a major damage to the electronics.
General Information / Installation Requirements