Editing Effects: Chapter 7
QuadraSynth Plus Piano Reference Manual 163
Overdrive Threshold
This sets the level the signal feeding the Overdrive effect must be
reach before the Overdrive effect will begin distorting. It can be
set between 00 and 99. If this number is very low, the Overdrive
effect will start to distort almost right away. When set to a high
number, the distortion will not occur until the signal feeding the
overdrive becomes louder than the Threshold setting.
Overdrive Brightness
This sets the tone of the Overdrive effect. It can be set between 00
and 99. Higher numbers result in a brighter sounding overdrive.
Lower numbers result in a duller distortion sound.
Overdrive Balance
This controls the output mix of the Overdrive effect. It can be set
anywhere from “CLEAN<99” to “CLEAN<00>OVRD” to
“99>OVRD”. When set to “CLEAN<99”, the Overdrive effect
cannot be heard at all. When set to “CLEAN<00>OVRD”, you
have an even mix between the original, uneffected signal and the
overdriven signal. When set to “99>OVRD”. only the overdriven
effect is heard.
Note:: The CLIP indictator is disabled when configuration 5 is