Editing Effects: Chapter 7
QuadraSynth Plus Piano Reference Manual 127
About Signal Processing
The built-in effects processor of the QuadraSynth Plus is similar to that of the
Alesis QuadraVerb 2, capable of generating multiple, fully digital effects
simultaneously. The QuadraSynth Plus effects processor has four inputs, called
effect sends. You might think of these as the typical post-fader sends found on a
mixing console. In a Program, each of the four Sounds can be assigned to one of
the four effect sends. In a Mix, each Program can use its own effects level and bus
routing or you may override these by assigning the entire Program (all 4 sounds)
to one of the four effect sends and all at the same level. Once you assign a Sound
(in Program Edit Mode) or a Program (in Mix Edit Mode) to an effect send, you
can adjust the Sound’s/Program’s Effect Send Level.
To route a Sound/Program only to an effect send, and not the Main or Aux outputs,
assign the Output parameter of the Sound/Program to “OFF,” assign its Effect Bus to
one of the four effect sends, and adjust the Effects Level.
The Effect Patch’s Configuration determines the arrangement of effect functions of
each effect send. Imagine a Configuration as an arrangement of multiple effects
processors patched together at the end of each effect send.
Example: In one configuration, effect send 3 has its own separate reverb, while in
another configuration it has its own delay and a level control feeding a reverb
shared with send 1. When you’re programming effects, you will need to refer to
the charts on pages 92—97 for the effect configuration you’re using, so you know
how the paths from different effect functions interact.
The Effect functions consist of: Pitch, Delay, Reverb and in some cases Misc.
(which provides access to special effects such as EQ and Overdrive). Each
function has several types to choose from. For example, the Pitch effect can be
either a chorus, a flange, a resonator, etc. The Reverb can be a large hall, plate,
gated, etc. The effect types available for each effect function depends on the
Configuration you are using. The parameters available for an effect function
depend on the selected effect type. Some effect types have very few parameters,
while others have many. For example, the stereo delay effect has about twice as
many parameters as the mono delay effect (since the stereo delay has two