Editing Programs
With EQU selected, the absolute amount of detuning remains the same
over the entire keyboard, so any detuning seems less pronounced as you
play higher up on the keyboard.
Setting the Pitch Wheel Bend Amount
Button: [EDIT] [60 PITCH]
Page: 4
Parameter: PWHL>PITCH (0 to 12 semitones)
This sets the amount of pitch bend when the [PITCH] wheel is full
Setting the Aftertouch Pitch Bend Amount
Button: [EDIT] [60 PITCH]
Page: 5
Parameter: AFTCH>PITCH (-99 to +99)
This sets how much Aftertouch affects pitch. At +99, applying
aftertouch raises the pitch 5 semitones. At -99, it lowers the pitch 5
Setting the Pitch LFO Amount
Button: [EDIT] [60 PITCH]
Page: 6
Parameter: PLFO>PITCH (-99 to +99)
This sets how much the Pitch LFO affects pitch. Higher values increase
the amount of Pitch LFO modulation. Negative values flip the LFO
phase. Pitch LFO parameters (such as speed and wave shape) are
programmed within the Pitch LFO Function.
Setting the Pitch Envelope Amount
Button: [EDIT] [60 PITCH]
Page: 7
Parameter: PENV>PITCH (-99 to +99)
This sets how much the Pitch Envelope affects Pitch. Higher values
increase the effect of the Pitch Envelope. Negative values turn the
envelope upside-down.
NOTE: Aftertouch is not present on the
QS8.2 keyboard, but you can still have the
aftertouch effect when you control the QS8.2
via MIDI.
NOTE: Hearing a change when you edit
this parameter depends on whether the LFO
has received input from a modulator (such
as the Mod wheel). If you hear no change,
try moving the Mod wheel up.
NOTE: Pitch Envelope parameters (such as
attack and decay time) are programmed
within the Pitch Envelope Function on
button [90].