Global and Store Modes
Global Mode
In this mode, you can set various aspects of the QS that don’t change
whenever a new Program or Mix is selected (for example, the keyboard
sensitivity). Press the [EDIT] button, then the [BANK >] button (with
[GLOBAL] written under it) to get into this mode.
Store Mode
This mode is for storing, copying and transmitting data. You can store
or copy whole Banks, individual Mixes, individual Programs, and Effects
settings, among other things. Press the [STORE] button to get into this
Navigating and Entering Data
This works the same as in the Edit modes, except that the [BANK]
buttons don’t do anything.
Special Editing Features
In any Edit mode, the [< BANK] button performs the [COMPARE]
function (see the label under the button).
If you press [COMPARE] from any Edit mode, the original Program or
Mix will be temporarily recalled and “EDIT” will flash in the display.
Pressing [COMPARE] again switches to your edited version.
Resetting Parameter Values
While editing, you can quickly reset parameters back to their default
values by pressing both of the [VALUE] buttons at the same time.
Pressing both of the [PAGE] buttons at the same time will jump to the
first page.
In Program or Mix Modes, pressing the [PAGE] buttons at the same
time will set the QS to MIDI channel 1. Pressing the [BANK] buttons at
the same time will jump to the User Bank.
NOTE: This is also known as the “Double