18 U2761A User’s Guide
1Getting Started
8 The Assign USB device alias window will appear. Each time
the U2761A is plugged in, this dialog box will appear. To
disable this dialog, select the Never show this dialog option
in the Show this dialog panel and click
9 For modules other than the U2300A Series, U2500A
Series, U2600A Series, and U2781A, the system will
perform a firmware version check on your connected
a If the module firmware version is the same as the
installed version on the PC, it will not perform any
firmware download and the U2761A is now ready for
b If the module firmware version differs from the
installed version on the PC, the following message box
will appear. Firmware versions (V1.00 and V1.01) in the
figure are for illustration purpose only, it might vary
depending on the device and PC firmware version.