Features and Functions 2
U2761A User’s Guide 87
Remote Interface Operation
When the BUS source is selected, send the TRIG or *TRG
command to trigger the U2761A.
External Triggering
In the External trigger mode, the U2761A accepts a
hardware trigger applied to the device Trig In connector. The
U2761A initiates one sweep each time Trig In receives a TTL
pulse with the specified edge.
Also refer to “Trigger Input Signal” on page 88.
Soft Front Panel Operation
On the Trigger Setup panel as shown in Figure 2-28, select
External from the drop down list at the Source
To specify whether the U2761A is triggered on the rising or
falling edge, select Positive for triggering on the
rising edge and Negative for triggering on the falling
Remote Interface Operation
TRIGger:SOURce EXTernal
Use the following command to specify whether the U2761A
is triggered on the rising or falling edge.
TRIGger:SLOPe {POSitive|NEGative}