Power Quality Analyzer Model 3945-B
3.1 Reference Conditions
Parameter Reference Conditions
Ambient temperature 73°F±5°F(23°C±3°C)
Humidity 45%
Atmospheric pressure 25.4"Hgto31.3"Hg(860to1060hPa)
Phase voltage 230Vrms and 110Vrms ±2% without DC
Clamp current circuit input voltage 0.03Vto1VrmswithoutDC(
current circuit input voltage 11.8mV to118mVrmswithoutDC(<0.5%)
Frequency of electricity network 50 and 60Hz ± 0.1Hz
V/I phase shift 0° active power / 90° reactive power
Harmonics <0.1%
The uncertainties given for power and energy measurements are maximum for Cos ϕ = 1 or Sin ϕ = 1
and are typical for the other phase shifts.
NOTE: The symbol “U” will be used throughout this manual and in the instrument
to refer to phase-to-phase voltage measurement.
The symbol “V” will be used for phase-to-neutral voltage measurement.
*All specications are subject to change without notice.
3.2 Electrical Specifications
Sampling Frequency (256 samples per cycle):
12.8kHz samples/sec per channel @ 50Hz
15.36kHz samples/sec per channel @ 60Hz
Memory Size: 4MB
Memory Partition: Data Logging - 2MB; Waveform capture - XXMB;
Transient capture -XXB; Alarms - XXB
3.2.1 Voltage Inputs
Operating Range: Phase-Phase - 960Vrms AC/DC
Phase-Neutral - 480Vrms AC/DC
Input Impedance: 340kΩ between phase and neutral
Overload: 1.2Vnpermanently;2Vnfor1sec(Vn=nominalvoltage)