Power Quality Analyzer Model 3945-B
2.1 Description
The PowerPad
Model 3945-B is a three-phase power quality analyzer that is
easy-to-use, compact and shock-resistant. It is intended for technicians and engi-
neers to measure and carry out diagnostic work and power quality work on one,
two or three phase low voltage networks.
Users are able to obtain instant waveforms of an electrical network’s principal char-
acteristics, and also monitor their variation over a period of time. The multi-tasking
measurement system simultaneously handles all the measurement functions and
waveform display of the various magnitudes, detection, continuous recordings and
their display without any constraints.
• Measurement of TRMS voltages up to 480V (phase-to-neutral) or 830V
• Measurement of TRMS currents up to 6500Arms
• Measurement of DC voltage up to 850V
• Measurement of DC current up to 1400ADC (withMR193probe)
• Frequencymeasurement(41to70Hzsystems)
• CalculationofneutralcurrentforWYEcongurations
• Calculation of Crest Factors for current and voltage
• Calculation of the K Factor for transformers
• Calculationofshort-termickerforvoltage
• Calculationofthephaseunbalanceforvoltageandcurrent(3phaseonly)
• Measurementofharmonicanglesandrates(referencedtothefundamental
• Calculation of overall harmonic distortion factors
• Monitoring of the average value of any parameter, calculated over a period
running from 1 sec to 2 hrs
• Measurement of active, reactive and apparent power per phase and their
respective sum total
• Calculation of power factor, displacement power factor and tangent factor
• Total power from a point in time, chosen by the operator
• Recording,timestampingandcharacterizationofdisturbance(swells,sags
• Detection of transients and recording of associated waveforms