
Performing Advanced Functions
0100 RBV – Read the specified bit. The port number. Bit value and the result
(OK or ERROR).
RNS – Read the notification
status. If no notifi-
cation was pending, this command should
return an error. If one was pending, the notifica-
tion is cleared.
The port number. Returns the time of the
last port change in stan-
dard time format and the
result (OK or ERROR).
0110 DNOPC – Disable Notify On Port Change. The port number. Result (OK or ERROR).
0111 ENOPC – Enable Notify On Port Change. The port number. Result (OK or ERROR).
1000 RPNNER – Read the Pending Notifications and
the Notification Enable Register. This command
returns the 16-bit Pending Notifications and the
Notification Enable Registers; the Port Number
has no significance for this command.
None. Two 16-bit integers (first
the PN and then the NE
register) and the result
(OK or ERROR).
1001 CB – Clear the specified bit. The port number. Result (OK or ERROR).
1010 SB – Set the specified bit. The port number. Result (OK or ERROR).
1011 XB – Exclusive Or the specified bit. The port number. Result (OK or ERROR).
1100 MFR – Monostable function, start with the speci-
fied bit in OFF state (reset).
The port number,
the OFF and the
ON times (in sec-
onds), both as 16-
bit integers.
Result (OK or ERROR)
1101 MFS – Monostable function, start with the speci-
fied bit in ON state (set).
The port number,
the OFF and the
ON times (in sec-
onds), both as 16-
bit integers.
Result (OK or ERROR).
1110 MVFR – Multivibrator function, start with the
specified bit in OFF state (reset).
The port number,
the OFF and the
ON times (in sec-
onds), both as 16-
bit integers.
Result (OK or ERROR).
1111 MVFS – Multivibrator function, start with the
specified bit in ON state (set).
The port number,
the OFF and the
ON times (in sec-
onds), both as 16-
bit integers.
Result (OK or ERROR).
Table 5. Command Code Definitions (Continued)
Code Description Parameters Returns