
Using terminal commands
Sampling methods are defined by three bits, as follows:
1100 ENOPTR – Enable Notify On Positive Threshold Reached.
The channel number and
the threshold (16 bit
Result (OK or ERROR).
1101 ENONTR – Enable Notify On Negative Threshold Reached.
The channel number and
the threshold (16 bit
Result (OK or ERROR).
1110 ENOL – Enable Notify if Out of Limits.
The channel number and
the limit values (16 bit
value), first the lower
and then the higher limit.
Result (OK or ERROR).
1111 ENIL – Enable Notify if Inside the Limits.
The channel number and
the limit values (16 bit
value), first the lower
and then the higher limit.
Result (OK or ERROR).
a. See also “Notifications” on page 53.
Table 3. Command Code Definitions for the Analog Command
Code Description Parameters Returns
Table 4. Sampling Method Definitions
Sampling method Binary value Description
Reserved 000 Not defined.
Minimum 001 If more than one sample per slot is performed, the lowes value will be stored.
Maximum 010 If more than one sample per slot is performed, the highest value will be stored.
Sum 011 The sum of all samples for a certain slot will be stored.
Average (arithmetic) 100
If more than one sample per slot is performed, the arithmetic average of all samples
will be stored.
Average (circular) 101
If more than one sample per slot is performed, the average computed on a circle will
be stored (i.e. on a 0 to 359 deg. circle, overflow occurs at the 359 deg value).
First sample 110
If more than one sample per slot is performed, the first value will be stored. All other
samples are discarded.
Last sample 111
If more than one sample per slot is performed, the last value will be stored. All other
samples are discarded.