
700-701-100-02 System Configuration
UTU-701 and ETU-751 List 1 August 9, 2002 39
Configure LTU and NTU Interfaces
Select and configure the LTU- and NTU-related operating parameters as follows:
1 Type one of the following at the Config drop-down menu to display the Config LTU or NTU Interface menu:
for the Config LTU Interface menu (Figure 22).
for the Config NTU Interface menu (Figure 23).
Figure 22. Config LTU Interface Menu
Figure 23. Config NTU Interface Menu
The Data Rate/# of TSs and Beginning TS parameters in the Config LTU and NTU Interface
are read-only displays. The Data Rate/# of TSs value is set in the Config System
Settings menu as the “HDSL Payload Rate” (See Figure 21 on page 37). The Beginning TS
value is 0 with 32 time slots selected (unstructured mode) and 1 when less than 32 time slots
are selected (structured mode).