Adaptec Storage Manager-Browser Edition
To create a task:
1 Select the array or drive you want the task to run on.
2 Click Task s.
3 Select the New Tasks tab.
4 Select the type of task from the drop-down list.
5 Select the priority for the task. The default is High.
6 If you want the task to start immediately, click OK. Or, if you
want to schedule the task for later, select Schedule.
If you select Schedule, additional options will appear that will
allow you to see the day of week and time you want the task to
start, as well as the time format. Once you have selected the
time and day, click OK.
About Adaptec Storage Manager Notifier
Adaptec Storage Manager - Browser Edition includes a notifier
service that enables controller events to be added to the system
event log. This service can notify users, through e-mail, of
controller events.
When you install Adaptec Storage Manager on a system equipped
with an Adaptec Advanced RAID controller, the notifier service is
installed and configured to log all events to the system event log.
The default installation has email event notification disabled.
Notifier Service Event Levels
Adaptec Advanced RAID controllers support three event levels:
■ Critical
■ Warning
■ Informational
The level(s) of events entered in the system log and received by
each user is configured independently.
UG.book Page 29 Saturday, October 26, 2002 12:08 PM