Adaptec SCSI RAID 2120S/2200S Software User’s Guide
It is only possible to create tasks for arrays or drives. If you select
Tas ks for a channel, controller, or the system, all relevant tasks will
be displayed.
When Adaptec Storage Manager is installed a scheduled task is
created to perform a weekly background consistency check of all
hot spares in the system. This task can be seen by clicking Tas ks
when it is blue, that is when nothing is selected.
New Tasks Tab
Allows you to create new tasks for an array or a drive. New Tasks
can either be run immediately, or scheduled to run at a later time.
Available tasks are Verify, Verify with Fix, and Clear. An
explanation of the impact of each task is given below.
■ Drive
■ Veri fy —Performs a test of the entire drive to ensure that
there are no problems. Any bad blocks found are not
■ Verify with Fix—Performs a test of the entire drive to
ensure that there are no problems. Any bad blocks found are
■ Clear—Erases all data on the drive. Any data previously on
the drive is not recoverable, and if all or part of the drive is
used in an array, data integrity of the array will be
■ Array
■ Veri fy —Performs a test of the entire array to ensure that
data is consistent. Any inconsistency found is not repaired.
■ Verify with Fix—Performs a test of the entire array to
ensure that data is consistent. Any inconsistency found is
■ Clear—Erases all data on the array. Any data previously on
the array is not recoverable.
UG.book Page 28 Saturday, October 26, 2002 12:08 PM