Model 392
Part No. Part Description
1. 712-0392 Hex L-Stop nut 1/4-28
2. 736-3020 Flat Wash. .266” I.D. x .625” O.D.
3. 710-0599 Hex Washer Screw 1/4-20 x .5”
4. 711-0920 Belt Cover Bolt
5. 712-3004A Hex Flange Top L-Nut 5/16-18
6. 710-0723 Hex Hd. Scr. 3/8-16 x 1.25” Lg.
7. 756-0313 Fl-Idler 2.12” O.D.
8. 786-0149 Idler Belt Keeper
9. 786-0144 Idler Bracket
10. 712-0266 Hex Cent. Jam Nut 3/8-16 Thd.
11. 786-0057 Belt Cover
12. 710-0599 Hex Washer Screw 1/4-20 x .5”
13. 786-0043A Tine Shield
14. 710-3008 Hex Hd. Cap Scr. 5/16-18 x .75” Lg
15. 712-3004A Hex Flange Top L-Nut 5/16-18
16. 686-0091 Chain Case Assembly Complete
17. 686-0106 Tine Disc Ends
18. 714-0149B Internal Cotter Pin
19. 711-0415 Clevis Pin
20. 642-0023 Outer Tine Assembly L.H.
642-0024 Outer Tine Assembly R.H.
21. 642-0003 Inner Tine Assembly L.H.
642-0002 Inner Tine Assembly R.H.
22. 746-0918 Forward Clutch Cable
23. 746-0953 Reverse Clutch Cable
24. 756-0585 Fl-Pulley 6” Dia.
25. 750-0892 Spacer .64” Dia. x 2.4” Lg.
26. 748-0350 Pulley Mounting Adapter
27. 736-0112 Bell-Wash. .525” I.D. x 1.5” O.D.
28. 712-3029 Hex Jam Nut 1/2-20 Thd. (Gr. 5)
29. 732-0697 Return Spring
30. 786-0040B Reverse Bracket
31. 736-0119 Lock Washer 5/16
32. 710-0237 Hex Cap Screw 5/16-24 x .625
33. 756-0971 Inner Engine Pulley Half
34. 756-0600 Outer Engine Pulley Half
35. 736-0452 Bell Washer .396” I.D. x 1/14” O.D.
36. 710-0152 Hex Cap Screw 3/8-24 x 1.0
37. 686-0013 Reverse Arm Assembly
38. 712-0266 Hex Cent. Jam Nut 3/8-16 Thd.
39. 710-0723 Hex Cap Bolt 3/8-16 x 1.25”
40. 756-0313 Fl-Idler 2.12” O.D.
41. 786-0041 Belt Keeper
42. 710-0502A Hex Washer Screw 3/8-16 x 1.25”
43. 786-0145A Engine Plate
44. 786-0053 Tine Shield Bracket
45. 736-0171 L-Wash. 7/16” I.D.
46. 712-0240 Hex Nut 7/16-20 Thd.
47. 754-0428 V-Belt (Forward)
48. 754-0429 V-Belt (Reverse)
49. 738-0102 Shld. Bolt
Part No. Part Description
NOTE: For painted parts, please refer to
the list of color codes below. Please add
the applicable color code, wherever
needed, to the part number to order a
replacement part. For instance, if a part
numbered 700-xxxx is painted Yard-Man
Green, the part number to order would be
Yard-Man Green: 0665
Yard-Man Yellow: 0674
Powder Black: 0637