WARNING: Your mower is de signed to cut
nor mal res i den tial grass of a height no more
than 10". Do not at tempt to mow through un -
usu ally tall, dry grass (e.g., pas ture) or piles
of dry leaves. De bris may build up on the
mower deck or con tact the en gine ex haust
pre sent ing a po ten tial fire haz ard.
For the best results when mulching:
• Clear lawn of de bris. Be sure that the lawn is clear
of stones, sticks, wire or other for eign ob jects which
could dam age the lawnmower. Such ob jects could
be ac ci den tally thrown out by the mower in any di -
rec tion and cause se ri ous per sonal in jury to the
op er a tor and oth ers as well as dam age to prop erty
and sur round ing ob jects.
• Do not cut wet grass. For ef fec tive mulch ing do not
cut wet grass be cause it tends to stick to the un der -
side of the deck pre vent ing proper mulch ing of the
grass clip pings.
• Cut no more than 1/3 the length of the grass. The
rec om mended cut for mulch ing is 1/3 the length of
the grass. Ground speed will need to be ad justed so
the clip pings can be dis persed evenly into the lawn.
For es pe cially heavy cut ting in thick grass it may be
nec es sary to use one of the slow est speeds in or der
to get a clean well mulched cut. When mulch ing long
grass you may have to cut the lawn in two passes,
low er ing the blade an other 1/3 of the length for the
sec ond cut and per haps cut ting in a dif fer ent pat tern
than was used the first time. Over lapping the cut a lit -
tle on each pass will also help to clean up any stray
clip pings left on the lawn. The mower should al ways
be op er ated at full throt tle to get the best cut and al -
low it to do the most ef fec tive job of mulch ing.
• Clean un der side of deck. Be cer tain to clean the
un der side of the cut ting deck af ter each use to avoid
a build-up of grass, which would pre vent proper
mulch ing.
• Mulching Leaves. The mulch ing of leaves can also
be ben e fi cial to your lawn. When mulch ing leaves
make sure they are dry and are not lay ing too thick
on the lawn. Do not wait for all the leaves to be off
the trees be fore you mulch.
• It is rec om mended keep ing drive ways and side walks
on the op er a tors right while mov ing. Con tinue mow -
ing us ing this pat tern, hav ing the left side of your
lawnmower next to the un cut grass. Mulching with
the cut ting area of the mower on the lawn avoids
grass clip pings in un de sir able ar eas.
WARN ING: If you strike a for eign ob ject, stop
the en gine. Re move wire from spark plug,
thor oughly in spect the mower for any dam -
age, and re pair the dam age be fore re start ing
and op er at ing the mower. Ex ten sive vi bra tion
of the mower dur ing op er a tion is an in di ca -
tion of dam age. The unit should be promptly
in spected and re paired.
CAUTION: Before changing mowing height
stop mower and disconnect spark plug
Carburetor Adjustment
Mi nor car bu re tor ad just ment may be re quired to
com pen sate for dif fer ences in fuel, tem per a ture, al ti -
tude and load. Re fer to the sep a rate en gine man ual
packed with your mower for car bu re tor ad just ment
in for ma tion.
WHEELS - If your mower is equipped with ball bear -
ing wheels, lu bri cate at least once a sea son with a
light oil, all other types re quire no lu bri ca tion. How -
ever, if the wheels are re moved for any rea son,
lu bri cate the sur face of the axle bolt and the in ner
sur face of the wheel with light au to mo tive oil.
ENGINE - Fol low en gine man ual for lu bri ca tion in -
struc tions.
BLADE CON TROL - Lu bri cate the pivot points on the
blade con trol han dle and the brake ca ble at least
once a sea son with light oil. The blade con trol must
op er ate freely in both di rec tions.
Cutting Blade
WARN ING: Be sure to dis con nect and ground
the spark plug wire be fore work ing on the cut -
ting blade to pre vent ac ci den tal en gine start ing.
Pro tect hands by us ing heavy gloves or a rag to
grasp the cut ting blade.
• Tip mower as spec i fied in sep a rate en gine man ual. If
it is not spec i fied tip with car bu re tor up.
• Re move the bolt and blade sup port which holds the
blade and adapter to the en gine crank shaft. Re move
the blade and adapter from the crank shaft. See Fig ure
WARN ING: Pe ri od i cally in spect the blade
adapter for cracks, es pe cially if you strike a for -
eign ob ject. Re place when nec es sary.
For best re sults your blade should be sharp. The blade
may be resharpened by re mov ing it and ei ther grind ing
or fil ing the cut ting edge keep ing as close to the orig i -
nal bevel as pos si ble. It is ex tremely im por tant that
each cut ting edge re ceives an equal amount of grind -
ing to pre vent an un bal anced blade. Im proper blade
bal ance will re sult in ex ces sive vi bra tion caus ing even -