Welch Allyn Medical Diagnostic Equipment 622NO Blower User Manual

6 Connecting to the Patient
The main patient connections are for NIBP, SpO
, and ECG. Atlas Monitor models 622xx and 623xx
additionally provide temperature measurement, and the model 623xx adds ETCO
. If you do not use all
the measurement capabilities of the monitor, you will not have alarms for the measurements you do not
use. You may connect the sensors to the patient before or after you turn the unit on.
The Welch Allyn Atlas Monitor can only do its
job when it is properly connected to a patient
through the various sensors. You may turn on
the monitor before you connect any leads to the
patient. No alarm will sound until a valid
measurement is made.
Patient connections - The first step is usually to
connect the sensor cables and tubes to the
monitor, and then to the patient. For
convenience, all sensors connect to the front of
the machine. Also, all of the sensors have
different types of connectors, so there should be
no confusion when connecting cables and tubes.
Caution: It is possible to incorrectly connect
the blood pressure tubing to the CO
watertrap. Note that this is not a patient
safety issue, only that ETCO
readings will
not be captured and a CO
alarm will sound.
It is recommended that the blood pressure
tubing be left connected to the monitor, and
the cuff removed when necessary using the
quick-release connector.
Unused features - You don’t have to use all the
measurement capabilities on the monitor. For
instance, if you want ECG only, just connect
these leads. Other features that are not connected
will not produce alarms.
Warning: Impedance Respiration rate
measurement and alarm capability are active
ONLY when the second trace option is set to
Respiration. Should the operator change
from viewing the Respiration waveforms and
breath rate to another selection (SpO
, CO
or ECG) the Respiration rate monitoring and
alarm capability will be disabled. This
occurs even if the ECG cable is still inserted
into the Monitor.
Warning: End tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO
and breath rate measurement and alarm
capability are active ONLY when the second
trace option is set to CO
. Should the
operator change from viewing the ETCO
and breath rate waveforms and data to
another second trace selection (SpO
Respiration or ECG) the CO
and breath
rate monitoring and alarm capability will be
disabled. This occurs even if the watertrap
and cannula are still inserted into the