-- 3 --
D Have all maintenance other than the rec-
ommended pr ocedures described inthe in -
struction manual performed by an autho-
rized service dealer.
D Disconnect spark p lug bef ore performing
maintenance except for carburetor adjust-
D Use only recommended Weed EaterŽ re-
placement parts; u se of any other parts
may voidyour warranty andcausedamage
to your unit.
D Empty f uel tank be fore s toring the unit. Use
upfuelleftin carburetor by starting engine and
letting it run unt il it stops.
D Do not use any accessory or attachment
other than those recommended by manufac-
turer for use with your unit.
D Do notstore theunit or fuel ina closed area
where fuel vapors can reach sparks or an
open flame f rom hotwater heaters, e lectric
motors or switches, furnaces, etc.
D Store in a dry area out of reach of children.
SPECIAL NOTICE: E xposure to vibra-
tions through prolonged useof gasoline pow-
ered hand tools could cause blood vessel o r
nerve damage in the fingers, hands, and
joints of people prone to circulation disorders
or abnormal swelling. Prolonged use in cold
weatherhas beenlinked toblood v esseldam-
age inotherwise healthy people.If symptoms
occur such as numbness, pain, loss of
strength, change in skin color or texture, or
loss of feeling in the f inge rs, hands, or joints,
discontinue the u se of this tool and seek
medical attention. An antivibration system
does not guarantee the avoidance of these
problems. Users who operate power tools on
a continual and regular basis must monitor
closely theirphysicalconditionand thecondi-
tion of this tool.
SPECIAL NOTICE: Fo r users on U.S. Fo r-
est Land and in some states, including Cali-
fornia (Public Resources Codes 4442 and
4443), Idaho, Maine,Minnesota, NewJersey,
Oregon, and W ashington: Certain internal
combustion engines operated on forest,
brush,and/orgrasscovered landin theabove
areas are required to be equipped with a
spark arresting screen, maintained in effec-
tive working or der, o rthe enginemust becon-
structed, equipped, and maintained for the
prevention offire. Check with y ourstate orlo-
cal authorities for regulations pertaining to
these requirements. Failure to follow these
requirements is aviolationof thelaw .Thisunit
is not factory equipped with a spark arresting
screen; however, a spark arresting screen is
available asan optionalpart.Ifa spark arrest-
ing screen is required in y our area, contact
your authorized service dealerfor the correct
kit. Thespark arrestingscreen, blowertubes,
and nozzles must be assembled to unit to be
in full compliance w ith regulations.
WARNING: This unit is intended for
blower use only. Do not att em pt to open inlet
cover.Openedor damagedinletcover canre-
sult inserious injury.Discontinue useof blow -
er immediatelyif inletcover becomes opened
or damaged. Take unit to your nearest autho-
rized service dealer for repair .
WARNING: If you receive your unit
assembled, check each step to insure your
unit is properly assembled and all f asteners
are s ecure. Follow all safety information in
the manual and on the unit.
1. Align the rib on the blower tube with the
groove in the blower outlet; slide t he tube
into place.
NOTE: Knob m ustbe loose enoughto allow
blower tube to be inserted i n blower out let.
Loosen knob by turning counterclockwise.
2. Secure thetubeby turning the knobclock-
3. Toremove thetube,turnthe knobcounter-
clockwise to loosen the tube; r emove the